JCU Off Season Social Run
Event Details
Time/date: 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM, 12 October 2024
The off season runs are social runs and there are no times or places recorded. The courses are usually between 7 and 10 Km and there is a short course usually of under 5 Km. The run fee is a gold coin donation and all non TRR members are also welcome.
Go to the web page for information about the off season runs.
You will need to pre-register your run by accessing the link: TRR Events Page
* Members and Non-members can register through the RevSport portal and will have to acknowledge the waiver.
* Athletes are requested to turn up just over 15 mins before their start time.
* Athletes are responsible for bringing their own hydration / nutrition.
* Athletes are responsible for understanding the course. Please study the map beforehand (print and take if needed).