Commonwealth Games 2014 - Queen's baton relay

Riverside Figure 8

The runs starts at Sherriff Park, Love Lane, Mundingburra on Saturday the 31st of August 2024. 



Long Course: - 16 Km

The course starts in Sherriff Park and follows the path along Ross River to Nathan Street Bridge (Charles Barton Bridge). Continue on the path under the bridge, (There will be a drink station under the bridge.) immediately turn right to cross Nathan Street bridge then turn right onto the river path and continue to Federation Bridge. (Footbridge near Riverside Tavern and Weir School) Cross Federation Bridge, turn right onto the river path. Continue on the path and onto Ross River Road, turn right into Moondarga Drive, right into Arinya Street and then back onto the river path.  Continue on the path to go under Nathan Street Bridge, (Drink station) turn left to go over the bridge and then left back on to the river path.  Continue on the path to cross the footbridge at Aplins Weir.  At the end of the footbridge turn right along the river patiff Park.

Click on Riverside Figure 8 Long Course for full map


Route map for Riverside Figure 8 Long Course on

Short Course: - 4.8 Km

The course starts in Sherriff Park and follows the path along Ross River towards Aplins Weir.  Continue past Aplins Weir and turn around at Barcroft Street to return along the path to finish in Sherriff Park. 

Click on Riverside Figure 8 Short Course for full map


Route map for Riverside Figure 8 Short Course on